The Unfinished Swan – Controls

The Unfinished Swan Controls

The Unfinished Swan control guide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers. Here you can find all move list and button layout for The Unfinished Swan video-game.

The Unfinished Swan Controls

Action PlayStation 4 Xbox One / PC
Move LL
Look R R
Lock On / Reset Camera R3 R3
Throw Paint R1 / R2 / L1 / L2 RB / RT / LB / LT
Jump X A
Pause Options Start
Toys Once Unlocked    
Pick up blueprint boxes X
Stop times for balls D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Clean canvas D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Hose L2 + R2 / Touchpad + L2 / Touchpad + R2 LT + RT / Touchpad + LT / Touchpad + RT


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