Call of Duty: Warzone Controls

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone Controls

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone control guide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers. Here you can find all move list and button layout for Call of Duty: Warzone video-game.

COD: Modern Warfare Warzone Controls

Action PlayStation 4 Xbox One / PC
Camera / Look RR
Normal / Melee R3 R3
Sprint / Tactical Sprint / Steady Aim Normal L3 L3
Use Lethal Equipement R1 RB
Fire Weapon R2RT
Use Tactical Equipment L1 LB
Aim Down Sight Behaviour L2 L2
Use / Reload X
Switch Weapon Y
Jump / Mantle X A
Crouch / Prone / Slide B
Mark Location D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Night Vision D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Select Fire D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Killstreaks D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Scoreboard TouchpadTouchpad
Pause MenuOptionsStart


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