Controls for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC controllers in Destiny 2. The whole move list and button layout for Destiny 2 can be found here. Bungie's Destiny 2 is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter video game that is only available online.
Destiny 2 Controls (Moves and Buttons)
Action | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One / PC |
Move | L | L |
Look | R | R |
Sprint | L3 | L3 |
Aim Down Sights | Hold L2 | Hold LT |
Shoot | R2 | RT |
Melee | R1 | RB |
Grenade | L1 | LB |
Reload / Interact | ▢ | X |
Switch Weapon | △ | Y |
Super Ability | L1 + R1 | LB + RB |
Jump | X | A |
Crouch | ◯ | B |
Wave | D-Pad Up | D-Pad Up |
Sit | D-Pad Down | D-Pad Down |
Dance | D-Pad Right | D-Pad Right |
Custom Move | D-Pad Left | D-Pad Left |
Menu | Options | Start |
Game Status | Touch Pad | Back |
Player Highlight | R3 | R3 |
Hold the crouch button for the 3rd class ability.
is there a button layout for using class ability and for finishers. because it seems to me the hand set controllers are handicapped in this
You could try using the actual pc controls