Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Controls

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Controls

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare control guide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers. Here you can find all move list and button layout for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) video-game.

COD: Modern Warfare Controls (Moves and Buttons)

Action PlayStation 4 Xbox One / PC
Move / SpLL
Camera / Look RR
Melee R3 R3
Sprint / Tactical Sprint / Steady Aim / Change Zoom L3 L3
Use Lethal Equipement R1 RB
Fire Weapon R2RT
Use Tactical Equipment L1 LB
Use / Reload X
Switch Weapon Y
Jump / Mantle X A
Crouch / Pronce / Slide B
Mark Location D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Night Vision D-Pad Down D-Pad Down
Select Fire D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Killstreaks D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Scoreboard / Objectives TouchpadTouchpad
Pause MenuOptionsStart

Comments (4)

4 thoughts on “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Controls

  1. With which button do you equip the bomb in multiplayer search and destroy after you have picked it up and then switched to a weapon(on xbox one)? I cannot seem to get the bomb equipped again once i have scrolled over to weapon. Or do i have to go and hold the bomb all the time, not beeing able to use any firearms at all while carrying the bomb?

  2. How do you do the lean around corners. I know they tell you but I cannot remember, I am tired of getting shot by all the people hiding around the corners.

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