Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint control guide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One controllers. Here you can find all move list and button layout for Ghost Recon Breakpoint video-game.
On Foot Controls
Action | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One / PC |
Movement | L | L |
Sprint | L3 | L3 |
Camera / Cycle Items | R | R |
COC, Over the shoulder, Grab body, Throw body | R3 | R3 |
Switch Shoulder | R1 | RB |
Item Wheel | Hold R1 | Hold RB |
Fire | R2 | RT |
Use Item | L1 | LB |
Aim, Breath Control | L2 | LT |
Reload, Interact, Revive, Grab Enemy, Beacon | ▢ | X |
Select primary weapon, Emote Wheel, Interogate | △ | Y |
Select secondary weapon | Double Tap △ | Double Tap Y |
Focus | Hold △ | Hold Y |
Mark for sync-shot, Vault, Open parachute | X | A |
Prone Camo, Skydive Jump | Hold X | Hold A |
Crouch | ◯ | B |
Prone, Dive, Stealth Swim | Hold ◯ | Hold B |
Dodge | Double Tap ◯ | Double Tap B |
Switch trigger (while aiming) | D-Pad Up | D-Pad Up |
Deploy Drone | Hold D-Pad Up | Hold D-Pad Up |
Switch underbarrel (while aiming), Interfaace Manual Display | D-Pad Down | D-Pad Down |
Switch muzzle (while aiming) | D-Pad Left | D-Pad Left |
Cycle vision mode, Switch scape (while aiming) | D-Pad Right | D-Pad Right |
Open Loadout / Pause Menu | Options | Start |
Open Text Chat | Hold Options | Hold Start |
Open TacMap | Touchpad | Select |
Vehicle Controls
Action | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One / PC |
Movement | L | L |
Camera | R | R |
Look Behind | R3 | R3 |
Accelerate / Throttle Up | R2 | RT |
Brake / Throttle Down | L2 | LT |
Exit Vehicle | ▢ | X |
Handbrake | X | A |
Switch Seat | ◯ | B |
Back to Vehicle | Hold ◯ | Hold B |
Order Assualt | D-Pad Up | D-Pad Up |
Toggle Lights | D-Pad Left | D-Pad Left |
Cycle vision mode | D-Pad Right | D-Pad Right |
Open Loadout / Pause Menu | Options | Start |
Open TacMap | Touchpad | Select |
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